26 Jun 2014

Five Ways to Fall In Love With Your Business All Over Again

For many companies, the end of June signals the end of the fiscal year. For others, it’s the halfway point of the year. Either way, it’s a great time to step back and evaluate your business. Is the way you’ve been operating your business really the best way? Are there changes you can make over the next year to improve your numbers for this time next year? If you need some inspiration to get started, The Growth Coach has some suggestions on becoming a better business owner and leader.

Improve Yourself

To continue to grow as a leader and business owner, you have to be committed to improving yourself. Consider seeking professional development, attending local workshops or picking up a book or two about business. In fact, you can download ours for free: http://www.thegrowthcoach.com/free-business-owner-e-book.aspx.

Separate Yourself and Your Business

To be the best business owner you can be, you need to be free to work ON the business instead of just IN the business. To do this, you have to have systems. What systems do you need to incorporate into your business to free up your time? You also need to consider that you might have to lessen your grip on certain elements of the business. You can’t be the one everyone comes to for answers for every question.

Find the Love

Did you open a business just because you wanted to work long days doing something you hate? Probably not. Of course there will be tasks throughout the day that you don’t love, but do you get to do the things you enjoy too? And, if owning or leading the business has meant that you’ve seriously sacrificed on time with your family and friends, something has to change. You can’t lead a successful life without balance. Find ways to step back from your business so you can run it successfully and still have a happy life. This will also help you love your business again.

Set Goals

When was the last time you set a real goal for your business? Something that’s achievable, but still challenging? It’s important to set goals for a variety of aspects within your business and then take action to reach those goals. When you are able to meet those goals, no matter how small, remember to celebrate and take note of what worked and what didn’t work. Then set new goals.


If you’re reading this, you’re probably thinking about ways these five suggestions apply to you and your business. You’re probably reflecting on where things are with your business – and where you would have liked them to be at this point. This type of reflection is important, but you need to do it more often. Create a schedule for yourself that will allow you to sit down and truly consider where your business stands and where you stand within that business. Thinks of ways you can improve over the next quarter, make an effort to step back from you business and find that passion again, and evaluate and set new goals. And when you’re reflecting, think about what you want to change over the next week, month, quarter and year.

Improving yourself and your business is all about thinking strategically. Hopefully these five suggestions will get you off to a solid start. For more tips on evaluating yourself and your business, check out this free white paper: http://www.thegrowthcoach.com/Member/thegrowthcoach2/Images/ImageGallery/15-Question-Business-Owner-Quiz-Do-You-Own-a-Real-Business-or-a-Demanding-Job.pdf.