10 May 2012

For today’s Growth Coach blog, we are once again fortunate to have Glenn Smith as a guest blogger. Glenn Smith is a Growth Coach Franchise Owner from the Houston/Sugar Land Texas area and is a highly regarded business coach, prolific blogger, an accomplished marketer, and has recently been recognized as "The 2011 Coach of the Year" by The Growth Coach System. You can learn more about Gl...

26 Apr 2012

When trying to reach out to your customers online, remember why you’re using social media. Social media builds relationships. It’s not just an advertisement for your business. Here are some tips and tricks for creating and managing your business’s Facebook page. Social Media gives you several unique opportunities.   It manages and strengthens ongoing relationships Increases bra...

15 Mar 2012

It's always a joy to read blogs written by our Franchise Owners. This week we would like to share a blog posted by Sid Mendelson, the Growth Coach in San Antonio Texas. Sid's blog is a reminder of how just a simple Thank you and just a few questions can go a long way in building relationships. It's an opportunity to learn more about your company and how to improve upon the services you o...

01 Mar 2012

Abraham Lincoln once said “Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new after all.” Reading can expand your horizons and connect you to experienced individuals with great wisdom and advice to give. Many have walked the same path before you, making books an excellent source of knowledge. Fill your personal library with some of these books to help guide and...

16 Feb 2012

For today’s Growth Coach blog, we are fortunate to have Glenn Smith as a guest blogger. Glenn Smith is a Growth Coach Franchise Owner from the Houston/Sugar Land Texas area and is a highly regarded business coach, prolific blogger, an accomplished marketer, and has recently been recognized as "The 2011 Coach of the Year" by The Growth Coach System. You can learn more about Glenn, his cr...

10 Nov 2011

  Persuasion is an important part of becoming a better communicator and becoming a better communicator is the key to gaining more success. It is defined as the process of enacting a change on another’s beliefs, attitudes or behaviors. Persuasion is about articulation, not manipulation or coercion. A master of persuasion lets others draw conclusions on their own, which creates a go...

29 Sep 2011

There are times when we're faced with adversity that it feels like giving up is the easiest option. No matter how bad things seem, remember, don't ever give up. When you throw in the towel without exhausting every option and possibility, you're selling yourself short.  Use this one man's story of determination to give you renewed hope when things get rough. Jimmy Valvano, the late coach...

15 Sep 2011

The next power we're going to discuss is the power of passionate attitudes and beliefs. Ask yourself "what motivates me everyday?". Do you have goals and aspirations? Do you really have passion for your work? Success in everything you do is tied to your own passionate attitudes and beliefs. There are so many reasons to be passionate about what you do, let's consider why it's important. ...

01 Sep 2011

  Why do some people succeed where other's do not? What identifiable characteristics do successful people share that distinguishes them from everyone else, whether in their business or personal lives? Let me suggest that many traits, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors can influence success but in general, three are worthy of additional consideration: - Positive Mindset - Passionate A...

25 Aug 2011

Sadly, as a business coach for nearly 20 years,  I’ve seen countless small business owners function like this restaurant owner … the vast majority of them trying to be all things to the business and do all things for the business.  They tend to think and act like Chief 'Everything' Officers … doing it all, day in and day out without end.  That’s a sure recipe for exhaustion, business own...