14 Dec 2021

If you look at previous December blog posts, even going back 10 years, you’ll see we often talk about a lot of the same topics at this time of the year – evaluating the your goals, setting new goals, thinking about 90-day goals, celebrating your successes over the last year, etc. This year, we’re going to lead with something a little different: ending the year by renewing your focus. ...

16 Nov 2021

The job market is tough right now. Everyone is hiring, pay is competitive and many employers are offering bonuses to get the right employees in the door. But once you’ve hired someone and invested in their onboarding and training, how can you convince them to stay when there are so many other opportunities? At The Growth Coach, many of our clients are facing the same kinds of staffing...

17 Aug 2021

There’s no denying that it has been a whirlwind 18 months and, for business owners, the demands have been non-stop. From closures to staffing to supplies to mandates, just keeping the doors open is an 80-hour-a-week job. But no one can keep that up forever. As Growth Coaches, we see burnout all the time, but the crises surrounding COVID-19 have brought it to a fever pitch in a way we ...

19 Jul 2021

You need a vacation. Not a checking-my-phone-all-the-time-because-I’m-home-anyway vacation. A real vacation. A get-the-heck-out-of-dodge vacation. A night-time-at-a-campfire-in-the-wood vacation. A day-drink-on-the-beach vacation. Whatever strikes your fancy – and you feel like you can do safely – go. Getting business owners and entrepreneurs to take time off to recharge has always be...

26 Apr 2021

Persistent. Unshakeable. Tough. Devoted. Steadfast. Resolute. Determined. Driven. There are a lot of words to describe those whose passion and perseverance help them stand strong, even when the tides change and the winds are strong. The ones with the Indomitable Spirit. At The Growth Coach, when we’re talking about entrepreneurs and business owners, we call that trait Grit. Somewhe...

04 Dec 2019

“Work smarter, not harder.” It’s a common saying and we hear it all the time. It’s true – and some people have absolutely mastered it – but sometimes working smarter is challenging, especially when you’re a business owner with projects, requests and questions coming at you from every direction. Here are three tactics that, when used together, can help you work smarter and keep your focus...

20 Nov 2019

Thanksgiving is a special time of year that inspires us to slow down and think about what we’re thankful for – whether it’s family, friends, good health, a comfortable place to live or something more personal. But if you’re a business owner, Thanksgiving is also a stressful time that’s on the bleeding edge of the holiday shopping season and the end of the year. As we approach the next Th...

26 Aug 2019

Competition can be scary. Whether you’re worried about a rival store opening down the street or you’re in an emerging industry watching other start-ups launch with a new twist, it’s hard to make sure you’re in the lead. But while competition might be stressful, it can also help you make your business better. Even if you don’t have any direct competition today, thinking about what that c...

23 Jul 2015

In today’s busy, work-based world, it can be extremely easy to get so wrapped up in your work life that you forget everything else. If you’re a business owner, this can be especially challenging. But it’s important to remember that you opened your business so you could have a better life – not so you could work 80 hours per week. Take 10 minutes today to consider your work and personal l...

14 May 2015

When you say “no” to a customer the customer really hears “go somewhere else to get your solution.” Creating a spirit of YES in your company all starts at the top. As the leader, you have to encourage your entire team to be focused on excellent customer service by setting a great example. You need to succeed in getting all of your employees to remove phrases like “that’s not my departme...