Recent Testimonials

Charles DeCarlo
Director of Distribution Operations - Bloom Farms
I had the opportunity to work with Ramon for a while. He really is super talented and can see operations from manufacturing to distribution in what I would call a different “lens” if you will. I learned a lot from Ramon and have used that different “lens” quite often in consulting situations myself. I would put out a recommendation for Ramon any day of the week.
Amy Roscha
Technology Lead - Treasury Wine Estates
Congratulations, Ramon! I always appreciated the time you spent with me on my career planning at Wente. Your insights gave me things to think about helped me to stretch and grow. Truly your calling and a fantastic opportunity for you.
Betza Camacho
Founder & IT Value Consultant - Triorama Systems
You will never stop impressing me! I truly believe you are doing the right move. I do not think I have ever worked with someone who is as committed to help others grow as you are.

Set your business up for success now!

Contact The Growth Coach today at (408) 650-4558