18 Nov 2020

Disappointment is tough. Whether someone let you down, you let someone down (including yourself) or something just didn’t pan out the way you’d hoped, the emotions around disappointment are strong. But, as a small business owner, you have to be able to feel your feelings, address those emotions, push forward and persevere. Here are four steps that can help: 1. Feel. Process. Accept. ...

25 Mar 2020

Astronaut. Firefighter. Doctor. Movie Star. When you’re little and the world is a wide open field in front of you, the options for what do when you grow up seem endless. You think about your passions and you naturally set the bar high. So what happens over the course of your lifetime that keeps you from pursuing those big dreams? Sometimes we grow out of those dreams naturally when...

18 Dec 2019

Being able to say no is tough, especially when you’re a business owner. You want to be liked, you want the sale, you want happy employees, you want return customers… but never saying no will lead to major burnout. It’s important to understand both when to say no and how to say no. Saying yes is easy as long as you can follow through on whatever you’ve agreed to, but everyone would rather...