28 May 2015

There’s a phrase out there you’ve probably heard, “The first step is always the hardest.” Whether you’re a new runner, a business owner, or both, this phrase holds serious weight and it all comes down to will power. If you want to make a change in your life – or your business – you have to have the will power to actually take the first step toward making things better. Earlier this mont...

06 Mar 2014

  At The Growth Coach, we work to help people improve their business, find more success and balance their lives, but most of it essentially comes down to one major thing: the strategic mindset. Embracing a strategic mindset can be a difficult task, especially for small business owners who are continuously wrapped-up in the technical elements of the business. But stepping back and w...

27 Sep 2012

For this weeks blog we are pleased to welcome, once again, Coach Glenn Smith as our guest blogger. Glenn Smith is a Growth Coach Franchise Owner from the Houston/Sugar Land Texas area and is a highly regarded business coach, prolific blogger, an accomplished marketer, and has recently been recognized as “The 2011 Coach of the Year” by The Growth Coach System. You can learn more about Gl...

10 May 2012

For today’s Growth Coach blog, we are once again fortunate to have Glenn Smith as a guest blogger. Glenn Smith is a Growth Coach Franchise Owner from the Houston/Sugar Land Texas area and is a highly regarded business coach, prolific blogger, an accomplished marketer, and has recently been recognized as "The 2011 Coach of the Year" by The Growth Coach System. You can learn more about Gl...

01 Mar 2012

Abraham Lincoln once said “Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new after all.” Reading can expand your horizons and connect you to experienced individuals with great wisdom and advice to give. Many have walked the same path before you, making books an excellent source of knowledge. Fill your personal library with some of these books to help guide and...

16 Feb 2012

For today’s Growth Coach blog, we are fortunate to have Glenn Smith as a guest blogger. Glenn Smith is a Growth Coach Franchise Owner from the Houston/Sugar Land Texas area and is a highly regarded business coach, prolific blogger, an accomplished marketer, and has recently been recognized as "The 2011 Coach of the Year" by The Growth Coach System. You can learn more about Glenn, his cr...

03 Feb 2011

The topic of business planning is critical for your success and sanity. As important as the final plan you generate is the thinking process you must go through to create each of these plans. It is imperative for you to periodically slow down, think, and write down your plans in order to achieve clarity of direction and develop a road map to provide on-going guidance and accountability to...