Jeff Roberts – Your Growth Coach
The journey to becoming a Growth Coach franchisee began when Jeff Roberts realized he missed owning his own business. He sold the insurance agency he owned for 29 years to a larger firm and became an employee in a consulting role after the merger. Although he was successful in his new role, Jeff realized that he missed the independence that came along with being self-employed. At first, he considered using his experience within the insurance industry to become a consultant for other agencies, however, as he was looking into doing this, he came across The Growth Coach. Jeff saw the benefit of investing in a brand that would allow him to have a faster on ramp than creating something from the ground up would.
Jeff saw the benefit of investing in a brand that would allow him to have a faster on ramp than creating something from the ground up would. Becoming a Growth Coach franchisee meant that he would have coaching materials, logos, a website, brochures and national brand recognition right from the start so that he could spend most of his time recruiting clients and coaching.
Jeff was able to leverage his wide network of business contacts and friends to successfully launch The Growth Coach of Northwest Arkansas & Missouri. He began putting the word out about his new venture before he started the franchisee training program and was able to coach clients as soon as he officially opened in early 2020.
One of the things that drew Jeff to business coaching and The Growth Coach brand was the difference he noted between consulting and coaching. As a consultant, he would go into a business, assess the situation or challenge, recommend a course of action and move on. With coaching he gets to work longer term with his clients providing insight and accountability along the way. And, while there are other business coaching franchise opportunities, he ultimately decided on The Growth Coach because, although coaching materials and on-going training are provided, he is also able to make the business his own by focusing on his areas of experience and strength.