08 Feb 2022

Winning the (current?) Battle in your Head, your Boardroom, and with your Teams

Tension in your head.  Tension in the boardroom.  Tension in your leadership team.  All draining the life out of you as an owner or leader.  Make no mistake, it is a battle, a tug-of-war.  And you must win it. But many are not.

Over the last several years, I’ve worked with several leaders within organizations big and small. They struggle with dealing with the said, and unsaid, tensions.  At times, they boil over and truly bad things happen. People get angry, frustrated, and they let their thoughts and emotions be known.  Other times, they hold it in…for too long, and it explodes out at inopportune times.

Tension can be healthy, but is rarely.  Healthy tension can be a really good thing for an owner, leader, manager or employee.  But when that tension crosses over to anger, emotional gut-wrenching anger, it can destroy relationships, teams and even a business. 

Especially in the last two years, tensions are running high due to the after-effects of COVID19 and the associated chaos that has wreaked havoc across many industries.

Depending on the personalities involved, this battle can be productive or destructive.

Check back in – over the next few weeks, we will be diving into how to win these battles in the different core areas of your professional life!