
11 Mar 2019

Teamwork Matters – Here’s Why

No matter what kind of business you own or manage, business success leans heavily on the quality of your team – not just what each individual can do on his or her own, but also what they can do together. Every person you hire brings a different skill set, a different experience and a different perspective to your company and, when they can work together effectively, it’s powerful. From a leadership standpoint, there are a few things that teamwork promotes most obviously – synergy, efficiency and productivity, which all go together.

If you go out and hire the best people in your region, but they can’t work together, it’s going to be hard to get anything accomplished. Even though every individual has an awesome skill set and understands the projects and the goals in front of them, they’ll all be operating in silos. Not having that synergy will hurt your efficiency and your productivity, which impacts your bottom line.

Think about it like this – if you have four individuals who are all tasked with building one fourth of the same robot, but none of them talk to each other about what that robot needs to be able to do or how it should work, how will the robot even come together? Either you’ll have four mismatched pieces that you hope will work together or you’ll have four individual robots that each person spent four times as much time building by themselves. Neither of those examples will work for your business. You need a robot that works perfectly, looks great and makes the most of the skill set of each individual on the team without costing extra time and money. That requires teamwork.

In addition to the most visible benefits of having teams that can work together, people who work well together also build comradery. Just like how having one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch, having a staff full of team players who respect each other and value what each employee brings to the table will change the entire dynamic of your business for the better. A great team also provides cross-training learning opportunities. For example, if you have a marketing person, a social media person and a graphics person who all work extremely well together, they will be able to share knowledge, catch each other’s mistakes, bring new ideas to each other’s projects and more – all to the benefit of your business.

So how do to make sure you build a team that can work together? This article from Berkeley Human Resources has some great tips. We also recommend working with your local Growth Coach to implement our GC Insights program. By better understanding each member of your team, you can help them be more efficient and work better together.