08 Feb 2022

Getting Out of Your Head and Winning Your Internal Battle!

Oh, the head games.  I work with many clients one-on-one that have what I call head-trash.  A term that I learned long ago from my friend and business owner Anson Ross Thompson of The Thompson Group.  It’s all that stuff in your head you’re listening to that is total garbage.  You’re not good enough.  You can’t do that.  That’s a really stupid idea.  You’ll never be able to do that.  I’ll never be like them.  I’m not good enough to be promoted to that job.  I could never own my own business.  My business isn’t that great compared to hers.  I don’t have the experience to achieve that goal. 

Head trash is all BS. But the voices are real.  We hear them and listen to them all the time and they drive us to make decisions that aren’t always the best. 

How do we not let these voices in our heads get the best of us?  First, realize they are just what they are – voices.  They are not real and we don’t have to listen to them!  Feelings are rarely right.  The old adage “trust your gut” – I’m sorry, but that can lead to truly bad endings.  Some people may have this skill to trust their gut, but it runs the risk of being blown by the winds of change.  That may drive your team nuts.  It may cause your business to stall or plateau.  Because you’re always changing things based on what your head just told you.  And you listened!  Stop. Listen. Assess.  Then make a decision.  Take time to process.  5 minutes, 5 hours or 5 days.  Seek out counsel and advice.  Then make a decision.

Check back in as we continue talking about ways to win your battles – in your head, in the boardroom, on your team, and more!