
15 Jun 2018

Celebrate Your Own Freedom This Independence Day

As a small business owner or company leader, it’s easy to let work consume your life. It doesn’t seem like a big deal to check emails after dinner or take a call between the gym and your office, but, before you know it, you’re working 70 hours a week and you can’t “clock out” for a family vacation. As work starts to carve more and more time out of your life, it starts to impact your personal life and, eventually, it’s a big cause of burn out.

This Independence Day, celebrate your own freedom by making a commitment to break free from your business by July 4th next year!

Not sure how to break the chains? You don’t need a revolution! Here are three tips on where to start:

Business Systems

If you want to build a profitable business that you can take a vacation from, you have to have business systems. Strong systems enable you to have processes and procedures that allow you to train great managers who don’t have to call you every time there’s a hiccup. Having business systems in place will also help you decide where to expand in the future and to isolate processes that might be holding your business back. Once these systems are in writing, make sure you also have ways to communicate them to your team so you can step back. If your business is too owner-dependent, it will hold you back!

Train and Delegate

Once you have those business systems created and implemented, it’s important to take the time to properly train your managers and team members on those systems. They should understand how to run your business, especially when you’re not there. Many small business owners also need to then learn how to step back and delegate. When you’ve grown a business from the ground up, it’s easy to be attached and to micromanage. But if you’re involved in every operation of your business, you don’t really have a business you can love – you have a busy job that will drag you down. Figure out how you can step back from your business in a way that allows you to focus on growth and take time to enjoy being a business owner!

Think Bigger
Once you’ve figured out how to step back, turn off that little micromanager in the back of your mind and start focusing on the future. Once your business can run itself, take a vacation and then come back with a fresh outlook. Rather than showing up at the office all day, every day, find ways to use that time to grow the business instead. Get involved in community events and networking groups. Consider ways to diversity the existing operation. Talk to your team about procedures and practices that could make the operations more smooth. Consider your goals for the business then build the plans and lead the efforts to get from Point A to Point B.

If you need help with any of these ways to earn your freedom, your local Growth Coach can help! Find your coach online at