10 Aug 2020

Not every business owner or company leader is a planner by nature – it’s a fact of life that we are all wired differently. But whether you call yourself an INTJ, a South, an 8w7 or any of the other many, many personality types, everyone  can learn to step back, see the challenges and opportunities at hand, and create a plan to reach (and hopefully exceed) your goals. Gre...

22 Jul 2020

At The Growth Coach, our coaches do quite a few workshops around the world. And whether they are working with C-Suite business leaders or facilitating a teamwork session, they keys to a successful workshop are the same. Assuming your materials are in place and you know the content of your presentation, here are six ways you can wow at your next workshops: Understand Your Audience It&rsqu...

15 Jun 2020

Almost everyone has had a pizza. Most pizzas have the basics – crust, sauce, cheese and toppings – but it’s how you make those basics, the ingredients you put into them and the way you serve it to your customers that makes the difference. Some pizza is great and some pizza is terrible, but most pizza is just OK. It’s enjoyable and filling, but it’s usually n...

25 Mar 2020

Astronaut. Firefighter. Doctor. Movie Star. When you’re little and the world is a wide open field in front of you, the options for what do when you grow up seem endless. You think about your passions and you naturally set the bar high. So what happens over the course of your lifetime that keeps you from pursuing those big dreams? Sometimes we grow out of those dreams naturally when...

11 Mar 2020

No matter what kind of business you own or how successful you are, there’s one thing you can’t buy – time. If you are going to commit time to focusing on making big progress in 2020, you have to find ways to make more time for yourself. So how do you get started? With some major spring cleaning. Declutter: The first step in spring cleaning your business is to declutter....

18 Dec 2019

Being able to say no is tough, especially when you’re a business owner. You want to be liked, you want the sale, you want happy employees, you want return customers… but never saying no will lead to major burnout. It’s important to understand both when to say no and how to say no. Saying yes is easy as long as you can follow through on whatever you’ve agreed to, but everyone would rather...

04 Dec 2019

“Work smarter, not harder.” It’s a common saying and we hear it all the time. It’s true – and some people have absolutely mastered it – but sometimes working smarter is challenging, especially when you’re a business owner with projects, requests and questions coming at you from every direction. Here are three tactics that, when used together, can help you work smarter and keep your focus...

20 Nov 2019

Thanksgiving is a special time of year that inspires us to slow down and think about what we’re thankful for – whether it’s family, friends, good health, a comfortable place to live or something more personal. But if you’re a business owner, Thanksgiving is also a stressful time that’s on the bleeding edge of the holiday shopping season and the end of the year. As we approach the next Th...

29 Oct 2019

Social responsibility in business has become an important business trend across America, especially as employees and customers continue to raise their expectations around the companies they choose to work for and support. So how do you, as a business owner, find ways for your company to be socially responsible? The first step is to choose a cause. Think about the kind of mission you woul...