22 Jul 2020

At The Growth Coach, our coaches do quite a few workshops around the world. And whether they are working with C-Suite business leaders or facilitating a teamwork session, they keys to a successful workshop are the same. Assuming your materials are in place and you know the content of your presentation, here are six ways you can wow at your next workshops: Understand Your Audience It&rsqu...

08 Jul 2020

While not every great entrepreneur is a great communicator, communication skills certainly come in handy in the board room, the break room and everywhere in between and, if you want to be a top-notch business leader – not just the ideas person – it starts with communications. If being a great communicator isn’t in your genes, you can learn the skills. Here are three thi...

15 Jun 2020

Almost everyone has had a pizza. Most pizzas have the basics – crust, sauce, cheese and toppings – but it’s how you make those basics, the ingredients you put into them and the way you serve it to your customers that makes the difference. Some pizza is great and some pizza is terrible, but most pizza is just OK. It’s enjoyable and filling, but it’s usually n...

28 Apr 2020

The economy was strong. Unemployment was at historic lows. Sales were up. It was hard to find good help because there were so few candidates. For most business owners and entrepreneurs, 2019 was a great year and there was a clear path for business growth for 2020. Then COVID-19 hit the United States and, for many, it was like someone pulled the rug out from under them. But whether your b...

25 Mar 2020

Astronaut. Firefighter. Doctor. Movie Star. When you’re little and the world is a wide open field in front of you, the options for what do when you grow up seem endless. You think about your passions and you naturally set the bar high. So what happens over the course of your lifetime that keeps you from pursuing those big dreams? Sometimes we grow out of those dreams naturally when...

11 Mar 2020

No matter what kind of business you own or how successful you are, there’s one thing you can’t buy – time. If you are going to commit time to focusing on making big progress in 2020, you have to find ways to make more time for yourself. So how do you get started? With some major spring cleaning. Declutter: The first step in spring cleaning your business is to declutter....

19 Feb 2020

When was the last time you truly unplugged? Whether it turning off your phone to go to lunch with an old friend or setting a true out of office and taking a family vacation, being able to leave technology – and work – behind is an important part of being an entrepreneur. After all, you didn’t go into business to have nothing more than a really demanding job, did you? In...

13 Jan 2020

Working as a business coach requires you to "eat your own dogfood". Today, my dogfood helped me salvage a productive day after a personal distraction sucked about 2 hours of my day away. The dog food today: Smart Time Management. How does the Time Management "dogfood" help fire fighting? Many of my clients discuss "fighting fires" to describe the interruptions and crises that occur tha...