20 Nov 2019

Don’t Give Up Too Soon

I come across plenty of business leaders who have those days of feeling frustrated in their business, defeated that progress isn’t happening quickly, or tempted to give up and get a J-O-B. Like the miner in the cartoon, they turn around and give up too soon. So, how do you keep going when it feels like you’re not getting there fast enough?

1. Check your mindset – your stinkin’ thinkin’
Our lizard brain (the one that tries to protect us and often keeps us playing small) can get pretty loud when business progress feels slow. Having some practices and tools to drown out the noise and get back to a confident, inspired, growth-mindset are key to breaking out of this downward spiral. Remember WHY you went into business in the first place. Who are you passionate about helping? Look back at your successes and the progress you HAVE made since you started. Even if you’re not where you want to be yet, consider the difference you have made for those you have worked with. As we are building and growing, it’s important to learn from mistakes, as well as celebrate triumphs. Review the lessons you have learned and the clarity you have gained. Take the opportunity to create new systems and processes out of things not going as originally planned.

2. Get into Action – focused, time-blocked action
The best prescription for beating the fear-based, doubting mindset is to get into ACTION. Block time each day for the activities that generate results (not just cleaning your office or running out for office supplies). Schedule time for following up with leads & referrals, checking in with customers, or reaching out to new prospects. Schedule time for working ON your business as well: planning, visioning, and evaluating progress. The key is to set aside chunks of time on the calendar and set a timer to dedicate yourself to results-producing tasks with the same integrity and consistency you would if you were meeting a client.

3. Commit to 100% – Decide: Are you all in?
Successful entrepreneurs dedicate their full attention and action to their business growth. When fear creeps in, it’s tempting to establish an ultimatum, “if I don’t do (fill-in-the-blank) by (this timeframe) then I will go get a job. Or a well-meaning friend will make that suggestion because they don’t get what it means to be a business owner. Think this through and decide if you’re IN – and the next time that thought creeps in, look at the miner carton and you’ll have a go-to response: “I’m in this – I’m making progress – I am not giving up too soon!”

Being a business owner isn’t easy and working with a coach and other business owners in a group learning process offers much needed support and momentum. Contact me to learn more about my Mastermind Round Table and the Strategic Business Mindset Academy or to schedule an individual 30-minute phone conversation to talk about your business.

by Kim Ellet, CPC, The Growth Coach of Metro Atlanta

Kim Ellet is a certified professional coach and owner of The Growth Coach of Metro Atlanta. She finds joy in helping successful leaders committed to continuous improvement, be more of who they are, dream bigger dreams, and accomplish more than they realized was possible. www.TheGrowthCoach/Atlanta.com

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